Substance Abuse Interventions
An Intervention is not a single event, it’s a process. Prior to meeting with the individual needing treatment, we will assess the situation with family and/or friends to determine the best way to encourage your loved one to enter treatment. This process will include meeting with the family once or multiple times prior to the intervention, with the intervention to follow. After the intervention is completed, we offer continuing support to the family for a minimum of 30-days to assist with questions or needs that may occur.
Family Consulting
Not sure where to start or what to do when a loved one needs help? We offer 1 to 2-hour sessions where we sit with the family to listen and understand your difficult situation. As each situation is unique, we will give feedback and recommendations on the best ways to approach your loved one about getting treatment. We will also discuss necessary boundaries for the family, and how those boundaries keep you safe and healthy while encouraging your loved one to seek help.
Treatment Placement
With the number of treatment centers available, it is important to know which ones offer the best and most comprehensive services. Equally important is knowing what level of care and treatment options your loved one needs to be able to choose which center is the right fit. With the years spent working in the treatment field, we can help you navigate the search process and assist with the admissions process.
Recovery Mentor
Navigating recovery alone is difficult and nearly impossible. Whether you are in early stages or long-term recovery, we can provide information about resources within your community, and help you connect with others in recovery to build relationships that one needs to be successful. We also offer one-on-one mentoring sessions in which we learn about your current recovery journey, help you develop a plan for sobriety, and provide accountability for that plan.

Take the first step.
Your new life awaits and I am ready to help guide you to recovery.