Are you or your family being broken apart by addiction?

We are here to help guide you through the process for recovery.

Services Offered


Substance Abuse Interventions

Family Consulting

Treatment Placement

Recovery Mentor




Empathy is a choice; a choice to connect with people through their experience, staying out of judgement and acknowledging their emotion. Showing empathy has the ability to fuel positive relationships. Connect2Recovery promises to provide an empathetic approach to all clients and families and assist them in learning how to show empathy through addiction. 


We understand addiction creates complex issues with not only the client, but also the family unit. With over a decade of work in the treatment industry, we can provide recommendations in treatment, counseling, and community resources for the client and family members.  


We take pride in doing what is right and best for our clients and families. Connect2Recovery promises full confidentiality with all individuals and families receiving services, and to be an ethical guide through any intervention, treatment placement and recovery process.

What our clients are saying

  • Graham is not only sensitive to the presenting issues in a clinical context, he embraces individuals on a heart level demonstrating authentic compassion.
    — Randy
  • Our lives before meeting Mr. Skinner was a life of heartache, little to no resources, and little to no true understanding of drug addiction. Our meetings with Mr. Skinner opened up a whole new world of Rehab possibilities, by which we are still reaping the benefits of that intervention to this day (over 2 years later).
    — Emily
  • Graham’s calm demeanor and knowledge about addiction made a hard meeting smooth and beneficial for everyone involved. His advice was spot on and he helped put or minds at ease ensuring us that we where making the best decision possible to help our loved one. We have and would recommend Graham to anyone facing addiction.
    — Amanda
  • Graham and I crossed paths at a rough point in my life. My meetings with Graham have helped me to focus on recovery and on the goals I have set for myself. It’s great being able to speak with someone who has been in similar shoes. Since our meetings I’ve been optimistic about what the future holds for myself and my recovery.
    — Andy

Let’s have a conversation.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.